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Thin capitalisation rekenmodel

A subordinated loan agreement is a debt which ranks after other debts shouls a company fall into liquidation or bankrupcy. Such debt is refered to as subordinated because the lender has a subordinated status in relaton to a normal debt.

This agreement can also be used as a normal loan agreement if the article regarding subordination will be deleted from the contract.


document type : .doc



A subordinated loan agreement is a debt which ranks after other debts shouls a company fall into liquidation or bankrupcy. Such debt is refered to as subordinated because the lender has a subordinated status in relaton to a normal debt.

This agreement can also be used as a normal loan agreement if the article regarding subordination will be deleted from the contract.

This contract has the following articles:

* Principal sum;
* Interest;
* Repayment;
* Payment;
* Payability;
* Subordination:
* Security;
* Dividend;
* Investements;
* Information and audit;
* Proof;
* Costs;
* Applicable law, disputes .